Ever find yourself being held back by self-doubt, questioning yourself and asking things like:

“Who am I to share my message?” or “Do I know enough yet to call myself an expert?” “What will people thing of me if I share this?”

If you’ve ever had thoughts like this, just know you’re not alone.

I’ve been there, and still deal with this from time to time. The key is to not let this stop you from sharing your message, building your personal brand and positioning yourself to attract your ideal clients.

Inside the video below I share with you 5 ways To overcome your self-doubt and Confidently position yourself as a thought leader and authority in your niche.


(see the text version of this video below)

1. Decide To Be Confident Right Now

Realize that you do not need any permission, approval, certifications or degrees to feel confident enough share your message and expertise with others, and start attracting clients.

As long as you can solve a major problem, and help someone get from where they’re at to where they ultimately want to be, you can be the expert in their eyes.

You do not need to know or master every single thing. Just focus on that one thing that you do best, and really focus on how you can leverage that.

Leverage your passion, your message and your “genius” to help people right now, with what you currently know. That’s all it takes.

The first step before you do anything else is just making the decision to be confident right now.

2. Master Your Craft & Become World-Class

I can’t stress this enough, you want to focus on mastery.

Commit to doing every single thing inside your business with the intention of mastery. Once you are a master at your craft, you’re confidence will in this area will naturally rise because you know that this is your zone. This is where you dominate. This is where you crush it.

Here are some things you can do to continue working on, and mastering your craft:

  • Always be learning and growing
  • Implement what you learn, look at the feedback, and improve based on your results
  • Surround yourself with other influencers in your niche who have the results you desire and can help expand your mind of what’s possible, and also look for ways to add value to their lives

3. Talk About What You Know From Experience

This sounds obvious but in today’s world, especially with all these social media platforms and ways of spreading and consuming information, it’s easy to feel like we have to just jump from trend to trend, and topic to topic… instead of focusing on what we know. Our zone of genius.

If you’re a business coach who helps people grow their business on social media, but you just downloaded SnapChat yesterday and you really haven’t gotten any results with it, do not create a video on the “Top 10 ways to grow your audience on SnapChat”

It almost seems common sense but the reason why I’m even mentioning this, is because I believe one of the major reasons so many people lack confidence is because they feel like they have to jump on every trend, and know every single thing.

A common mistake we make is saying things like, “Okay, what does my audience want? Let me put together a blog post about this. Let me put together a video about this,”…

Instead of saying,

“What do I know? What do I stand for? What do I believe”

“Based on my experience, my expertise, my knowledge, and the people that I helped, what do I know to be true”…

…and creating content and courses around these topics.

When you can lead with what you know based off experience and your expertise, you’re going to come across with passion, conviction and power.

If you want to increase your confidence, position yourself as an authority, and be seen as an expert and thought leader in your niche, talk about what you know to be true based off experience.

4. “What Is It Worth?”

Think about your prospect right now and think about their problems, frustrations, hopes and desires.

What is it worth for them to solve their major problem, and go from where they’re at to where they ultimately want to be? Also, what is it costing them not to take action, and stay in the same place?

There’s a great chance that what you do for your clients has the potential to create a far greater impact on their lives/businesses than you realize right now.

Being able to answer these questions helps you to see the true value of what you bring to the table.

You aren’t just giving people nutrition plans and workout videos – you’re helping them get into the best shape of their lives, live longer and have more time and energy to play with their kids.

You aren’t just teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their brand on social media – you are providing people with the platform and strategy they can use to show up as their most authentic self daily, fulfill their purpose and be able to do the work they love (with just their iPhone and MacBook)

See the difference? See how you can feel so much more confident when you see the true value and transformation that can occur as a result of your *magic*?

5. Look Back At Past Client Results 

The fifth thing is to look back at the past results that you provided for your clients, or even people who haven’t paid you but have gotten results from implementing your advice.

Sometimes we get into a funk and have to remind ourselves that what we’re doing is bigger than us, and is actually helping people.

When my mind starts getting filled with doubts or negative self-talk, I look back at past testimonials and results my customers/clients/ followers have sent me and it instantly changes my mood.

If you’re reading this right now, I know you have value to share and you’re committed to serving others. And I’m willing to bet you’ve already helped others get amazing results with what you do.

Keep a folder somewhere where you can collect screenshots of comments/testimonials/case studies from people. Look at it from time to time, especially when you’re lacking confidence.

I hope you not only got value from these 5 ways, but also plan on implementing them so you can show up more powerfully and confidently in your business and be seen as the expert and authority in your niche.

Which of the 5 things I shared inside this post was the most helpful to you? Let me know in the comments below, and also share this post with someone you know would get value from it as well.