The world would be a far greater place if everyone focused on what they were passionate about, and did work that truly fulfilled them.

I know it. You know it.

Yet when it comes to building our business, we often put our passions and what we really want to share with the world, to the side… in exchange for what we think people want us to talk about and will make us the most money.

The truth is…

You’ll never experience the levels of success, income and happiness you are truly capable of receiving until you commit to sharing your true authentic message, operating from your zone of genius and doing the work you feel called to do.

While you may know why it’s important to share your true message… the missing link for most people is having clarity around what your true message really is, and how you can successfully build your business around it.

Here Are 7 Questions You Can Ask Yourself Right Now To Gain Clarity On Your Authentic Brand Message:

  • #1. What is the problem I am passionate about solving? Who would I be passionate about working with to solve this problem? What is the outcome/transformation I’m confident I can produce for this person as a result of working together?
  • #2. When it comes to my life and business, what do I stand for and stand against? What do I believe with full conviction will create the biggest transformation in my potential client’s life IF he/she knew about it, and took action on it?
  • #3. If I could outsource everything in my business and put my focus on the ONE THING I do best, that gives me the most fulfillment and has the biggest impact on the growth of my business (your $1,000/hour activity), what is the one area I’d focus my time on?
  • #4. Based on my own journey and experiences, what is the one lesson/insight/breakthrough that has made the biggest difference in my own life, and is responsible for helping me get from where I was to where I am now?
  • #5. If I woke up every morning feeling inspired, on purpose and super grateful for my life, my clients and my business… what would I be doing? Who would I be serving? What is the message I’d be sharing with the world?
  • #6. What can I do RIGHT NOW to get my true message in-front of my dream clients, while staying in my zone of genius?
  • #7. What am I missing out on, and how will I feel inside, if I go another 12 months not sharing my authentic message or building my business around what I love?

For this to truly be of value to you, commit to spending the next 30 minutes answering these questions for yourself. If you are committed to getting your message out into the world, it’s not enough to just quickly glance over these questions and then move on to your next task.

Set some time and answer each question in detail. To make things simpler for you, I’ve put together a PDF document with these questions for you to download, print out and fill out.

Click here to get access to the Authentic Messaging Questionnaire PDF (download here)

– Andrey


I’d love to know your answer to #4. In the comments below, share a lesson or insight you’ve learned that has made a huge impact on your life and level of success so far.